作者 主题: 【独享专区】sleepinglord  (阅读 63575 次)

副标题: 规则向渣翻……

离线 sleepinglord

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« 于: 2013-12-26, 周四 16:23:11 »

The Cenotaph
死靈術精熟(Necromantic Mastery):施展死灵系法术时花费一发神话之力,可以令CL获得等于神话阶层数的加值(最少+2)。
(Mind to Mindnessless,Su):你获得将智能不死生物洗成无智力生物的能力。以标准动作,花费一发神话之力,以60尺内一个非神话智能不死生物为目标,发出一发死灵能量波;你也可以指定神话不死生物为目标,那样需要多花费一发神话之力。目标智力瞬间降至-,持续你的阶层轮,意志无效(DC=10+1/2阶层+魅力或感知调整取高),每轮目标都可以尝试一次豁免。
(Defy Death, Su):直觉动作,你可以花费一发神话之力,在一次对抗能量吸取,死亡效果或防止负等级持久化的豁免上获得+5加值。你可多次选择此能力,第二次选择花费神话之力后豁免获得+10加值。第三次选择可以直接胜出。

Doorway to the Redstar
(Akitonian Physiology, Ex):当你选择此能力,你的身体永久地变成异界种族Akiton的样子。永久获得以下炼金发现之一的好处:chameleonARG,preserve organsUM,tumor familiarUM或vestigial armUM。这些效果的炼金术士等级等于你的阶层+你的炼金术士等级。你可以多次选择此能力,每次选择不同的变异。每选一次本能力,你的神话之力池永久减少一发(如同它被用来永久保持这些变异),魅力-1,对精类,类人生物和动物的魅力相关检定-1。
心灵连线(Telepathic Mindlink, Sp):你可以花费一发神话之力,施放sending或telepathic bond,CL=2*阶层。若你选择两次此能力,你永久和一名生物建立telepathic bond,你可以花费1小时举行仪式来更换与你建立联系的生物。
(Water of Contemplation, Su):你可以冥想1小时,并花费一发神话之力,将任一魔法药水转变成alchemical cognatogen that increase your mental faculties at the expense of your physical prowess (UM 15) usable only by you。你的有效炼金术士等级等于你的阶层+你的炼金术士等级。若你有神话6阶,你可以以此能力制作greator cognatogen。若你有神话9阶,则可以以此能力制作grand cognatogen。若你在转化药水时额外花费一发神话之力,则在cognatogen持续的时间里,你获得巧言术(tongues)效果。

Mana Wells
抑制魔法(Dampen Spell, Su):你可以以迅捷动作花费一发神话之力,将你身上一个正在生效的法术或类法术能力的持续时间减半(最小减至1轮)。You can use the ability even when otherwise denied the ability to take actions,只要你有意识。你可以多次降低同一效果的持续时间,每次花费一个迅捷动作。
(Reactive Ward, Su):直觉动作,你可以花费一发神话之力,对抗一个需要你做豁免的法术。你以一次法术辨识检定代替豁免骰,但如同通常的豁免骰,出1自动失败,出20自动成功。若你通常通过豁免遭受部分效果,现在可以不受影响。你必须在骰豁免之前决定是否要使用此能力,并必须有能力使用语言或姿势成分来启动它。
(Spellscarred, Su):当你成为法术或类法术能力的目标或在其影响范围内时,只要它允许使用SR对抗,你可以花费一发神话之力,立即获得11+角色等级+神话阶层的SR来对抗该效果。若成功抵抗了法术,神话之力被花费掉,否则不会花费。使用本能力不需要动作,但你必须意识到该效果,可以行动,至少还有一发神话之力,以及不处于措手不及的状态。

The Modant Spire

(Touched by the Depths, Su):你获得闭气(hold breath)能力。你可以花费一发神话之力,获得等于基础陆地速度的游泳速度,水下呼吸能力以及仅在水下生效的30尺颤动感知;水下呼吸能力不会影响正常呼吸空气的能力;这些效果持续10*阶层分钟。
(Voice of the Spire, Su):一个仅你能听到的声音警告你到来的危险。若你在突袭轮开始没能意识到危险,你可以花费一发神话之力,获得在突袭轮行动的能力。在突袭轮行动时可以做一个标准动作+一个移动动作(或一个整轮动作)。你在突袭轮行动前仍会处于措手不及状态。

(Corner of the Eyes, Su):通过专注,你用眼角余光感知和解析魔法灵光。以标准动作,花费一发神话之力,你获得秘法视觉(arcane sight)的好处,除了你的眼睛不会发光。你最多保持它等于阶层分钟,while using it you're staggered from the focus required. The staggered condition无法移除,但你可以以自由动作结束专注。

Star Towers
世界之心(World's Heart, Su):当你接触大地,你在力量检定和CMD上获得等于神话阶层一半(至少+1)的加值。接触大地时,以迅捷动作,花费一发神话之力,可以移除疲劳和力竭状态并在命中和伤害骰上获得等于神话阶层一半的加值(至少+1),持续一轮。你只要站在地上(无论是地上还是地下)或接触一个石质或土质的健在坚固地面上的建筑的地板,都算作你接触大地。
星塔封印(Seal of the Star Tower, Su):以标准动作,你可以花费一发神话之力,进行一次近战接触攻击。若命中,目标不能使用需要动作的法术,类法术能力和超自然能力。你无法影响神话阶层比你高的人物。效果持续1轮。你可以额外花费两发神话之力,将封印持续时间延长至2轮。24小时内你仅能以此方式封印影响每个生物一次。
(Shadow's Embrane, Su):以直觉动作,花费一发神话之力,你可以变成半虚半实的生物,持续1轮。在此效果中,你可以以直觉动作在虚体和实体间转换。若你在固体中间变成实体,会被排挤出来,并受到5d6伤害;你可以以自由动作额外花费一发神话之力延长此效果1轮。

The Starstones
(Divine Patron, Su):当你遇到与你供奉同一神祗的生物,视它对你的态度变好一阶。当你对自己或信仰同一神祗的生物使用神术,视其CL+2。
另外,每个神祗都提供一个调整过的3阶圣者能力(见下)。你必须选择此能力才能获得额外的好处,它不是自动获得的。若你已有神话之力 and the listed ability upon taking divine patron,其它能力立刻变成调整后的版本。另外,神祗还会依其兴趣和神能给你一个其它道途的道途能力。

【我的理解是这样,你要在1阶选择divine patron;然后在3阶,再选择神祗对应的圣者道途能力+divine patron,结果是你获得一个增强版的神祗道途能力+一个其它道途的1阶能力】

圣者3阶Divine Patron道途能力
拥有Divine Patron的圣者在3阶或更高可以获得以下道途能力。

阿巴达尔——神圣超魔熟稔(Divine Metamastery):你可以花费额外一发神话之力,令你神圣超魔熟稔能力能应用的超魔专长的提升法术位级数上限+1(最大+5,若你多次选择此能力)。例如,若你选择此能力1次,你可以花费两发神话之力,应用于一个提升法术位2级的超魔专长。
奖励道途能力:可靠技能(Assured Skill,Ex,统帅)

阿斯摩蒂斯——洞察阵营(Alignment Insight,Ex):你可以识别与你本身阵营相差一阶的异界生物的阵营,即使其被魔法改变或变形。
奖励道途能力:冲击魔障(Eldritch Breach,Su,大法师)

卡莉斯翠——领域免疫(Domain Immunity,Su):当你反转法术,你可以将其反转至施法者或15尺内任何生物。
奖励道途能力:奸诈重击(Treacherous Critical,Ex,诡术大师)

凯登•凯利恩——领域免疫(Domain Immunity,Su):当你被免疫法术当作目标时,你可以花费一点神话之力反转或回覆该法术等级每1D6点HP。
奖励道途能力:潇洒饮者(Assured Drinker,Ex,诡术大师)

黛丝娜——神术潜能(Divine Potency,Su):每次你准备法术,骰1d4,你在结果的等级上获得一个额外的法术位(不能超过你能施放的最高法术位),当你达到6阶,你可以再选一次本能力,允许你骰2d4。
奖励道途能力:神速力(Impossible Speed,Ex,斗士)

埃拉斯蒂尔——祝福伙伴(Blessed Companion,Su):你的伙伴还可以选择能力专攻,精通天武,精通天防,或多重攻击作为奖励专长。
奖励道途能力:无穷射距(Limitless Range,Ex,斗士)

古拉姆——报复投掷(Hurling Vengeance,Su):你装备的巨剑都获得锐锋属性,若已经有锐锋属性,重击倍数变为*3。

哥莱兹——动物之友(Animal Friend,Ex):你还可以影响植物和虫类。
奖励道途能力:Raise Animal,守护者

艾奥梅黛——永恒祝福(Enduring Blessing,Su):你可以延长效果的时间或者立刻将同样的法术施放到相邻的另一个生物身上。若你选择了此能力两次,你可以将其应用于3个生物。

义洛理——神圣超魔熟稔(Divine Metamastery):你视为已经多选了一次此能力。
奖励道途能力:Adamantine Mind,守护者

拉玛什图——祝福伙伴(Blessed Companion,Su):你可以对你的伙伴做CDG,干掉它以回复1d3发神话之力。当你可以获得新的伙伴,你还可以这么做。
奖励道途能力:威慑力(Menacing Presence,Su,统帅)

内希斯——奥术学识(Arcane Knowledge,Ex):你可以在3阶而非6阶选择此能力,但6阶前只能选择一次,6阶后可以如常多次选择。你只能从法师/术士列表选择奥术。
奖励道途能力:能量转换(Energy Conversion,Su,大法师)

诺格巴——报复投掷(Hurling Vengeance,Su):你可以使用此能力影响匕首或短剑。当你远程攻击伤害到一个生物,你可以花费一发神话之力,以类法术能力对其使用毒击术(poison)。
奖励道途能力:潜影术(Shadow Stealth,Ex,诡术大师)

法莱斯玛——领域免疫(Domain Immunity,Su):你可以选择第三个领域(来自任何神祗),你免疫该领域的负面效果。
奖励道途能力:全知回闪(Flash of Omniscience,Ex,大法师)

莎伦莱——生命轮转(Life Current,Su):你视为已经多选了一次此能力。
奖励道途能力:Sacrificial shield,守护者

莎琳——永恒祝福(Enduring Blessing,Su):选择一个持续时间为1min/CL的法术,你可以使用本能力将该法术的持续时间变为24小时。
奖励道途能力:Inspiring Surge,统帅

托拉格——报复投掷(Hurling Vengeance,Su):当你使用战锤成功打出重击(无论是远程还是近战),以直觉动作【原文如此】对你重击目标周围10尺内的另一个做一次攻击【没有提BAB是多少】。

厄加图娅——治疗满溢(Abundant Healing,Su):你可以使用本能力影响那些造成伤害的法术。当使用法术或职业能力以负能量造成伤害(如造成中伤法术,或反圣武士的腐败之触能力),投骰完毕后,你可以令其伤害相邻的其它生物。必须先造成至少10点伤害,才能影响相邻的生物。
奖励道途能力:无心智控心术(Control the Mindless,Su,诡术大师)

宗-库山——仁慈之手(Hand of Mercy,Su):你可以花费一发引导能量来造成任何它可以移除的负面状态。
奖励道途能力:苦肉计(Painful Gambit,Ex,统帅)
« 上次编辑: 2022-01-24, 周一 06:40:34 由 沉淪 »

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Re: [Mythic Realm]新神话道途能力
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-12-27, 周五 01:01:14 »
不好意思 問一下 星石沒有凯登·凯连的強化板?

离线 弑君者伊恩

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Re: [Mythic Realm]新神话道途能力
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-12-27, 周五 05:58:37 »


离线 sleepinglord

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Re: [Mythic Realm]新神话道途能力
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-12-27, 周五 07:40:16 »
不好意思 問一下 星石沒有凯登·凯连的強化板?

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Re: [Mythic Realm]新神话道途能力
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-12-27, 周五 07:40:52 »

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Re: [Mythic Realm]新神话道途能力
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-12-27, 周五 08:24:14 »

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Re: [Mythic Realm]新神话道途能力
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-12-27, 周五 09:23:51 »

离线 sleepinglord

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« 回帖 #7 于: 2013-12-27, 周五 12:39:21 »

纯洁之神子(godlings of purity)


凯登凯利恩(Cayden Cailean)的神子可以选择以下道途能力。
酩酊幸运(Drunken Luck, Su):你可以花费一发神话之力,在对抗单一攻击的AC上获得等于阶层*2的洞察AC,或在对抗一项效果的豁免上获得等于阶层*2的加值。使用本能力是直觉动作,在通常的投骰结果出来以后进行,即你可以改变检定最后的结果。使用本能力后,你恍惚(staggered)一轮。

流浪者之触(Wanderer's Touch, Su):迅捷动作,花费一发神话之力,赋予你手中的一件武器投掷和回力属性。此属性只有你能用,持续1分钟/阶层。在全力攻击中花费一发神话之力,你可以用此武器在全力攻击中使用完整的攻击次数来攻击多个对手。武器打中第一个,然后弹向第二个……等等,最后在你下一轮开始时回到你手里。

通晓路径(Way of Knowing, Su):标准动作,花费一发神话之力,说出一个生物,然后你知道它的相对于你的方向。你必须遇到过该生物,并可以毫不模糊地确定它。若该生物在其它位面,你会获知此事实,但不会知道它究竟在哪个位面。此效果不会令你知道它和你之间的距离。此能力仅会被那些能够阻挡(discern location)法术的效果阻挡。

传承者之心(Mental of the Inheritor, Su):迅捷动作,花费一发神话之力,你可以祛除影响你的单一毒素,恐惧或疾病效果。标准动作,花费一发神话之力,你可以祛除30呎内盟友身上的一项上述效果。

晨光之焰(Fires of the Dawn, Su):迅捷动作,花费一发神话之力,你身边燃起火焰,如同被火焰护盾(温暖护盾)保护,除了对攻击者造成1d8+2*阶层的火焰伤害。使用长近战兵器的攻击者也会被烧伤。火焰持续1分钟/阶层,或被你以自由动作解消。

止戈术(Still the Blade, Su):直觉动作,花费一发神话之力,你可以阻止身边30呎范围内单一生物攻击其它生物(意志无效,DC=10+阶层+魅力加值)。目标不会失去动作,它可以做任何不会直接危害它人的事情。此能力仅对神话阶层或级数小于你的目标有效。

百炼成钢(Tempered Steel, Su):你着甲时,以迅捷动作,花费一发神话之力,你可以获得DR5/精金。效果在为你抵抗了20*阶层点伤害时结束。例如,神话3阶的人物,用此能力可以阻止60点非精金伤害。

边栏:Empyrean之子(Children of the Empyrean)
福祉之路(Champion of Weal, Su):你可以对那些被邪恶污染的人们显示出通往光明的道路。标准动作,花费两发神话之力,试图超度一个30呎内的非神话邪恶生物,意志无效(DC=10+阶层+魅力加值),豁免不通过者阵营变为守序善良,中立善良或混乱善良(你选择),持续1分钟/阶层。在这段时间里,该生物会按照新阵营,走在追求正义的道路上。带有邪恶亚种的生物免疫此效果。无论豁免是否通过,生物24小时不会再受此效果影响。

平衡之神子(Godlings of Balance)

第一宝库之影(Shadow of the First Vault, Ex):你接触的魔法物品获得了保存在Abadar第一宝库里的完美版本的部分精华,将你阶层的一半加到你使用的药水,卷轴,魔杖和法杖的CL上。当从一件法术完成型(spell completion)或法术触发型(spell trigger)魔法物品中施放法术,你可以花费神话之力(发数等于超魔专长需要提升的法术环数),将你所会的一个超魔专长加诸其上。

女王蜂之刺(Savored Sting, Su):在进行了一次成功的近战攻击后,以自由动作,花费一次神话之力,令目标中毒,强韧无效(DC = 10 + 阶层 + 体质调整)。毒素每轮造成1d3敏捷伤害和1d3魅力伤害,持续你阶层轮。对神话生物,毒素持续时间减半。

胜利之吼(Roar of Triumph, Su):当你将敌人杀死或打到失去意识,以自由动作,花费一发神话之力,发出一声令人恐惧的吼叫,吓破敌胆。30呎内非神话敌人会耳聋且战栗你的阶层轮,意志豁免通过则持续时间减半(DC = 10 + 阶层 + 魅力加值)。在已经战栗的生物身上使用会延长持续时间,但不会造成更严重的恐惧状态。

格兹雷之恩典(Gozreh's Grace, Su):移动动作,花费一发神话之力,令你周身被风或水波围绕,持续1分钟/阶层。若你选择风,旋风围绕你,令你不受远程武器伤害,如同风墙术(wind wall),并且令所有你施放的带有[气]描述符的法术的有效CL+2。若你选择水,潺潺流水围绕在你周身,对你的近战攻击有25%的失手率,降低所有火焰伤害50%,并令你不会被点燃。

超越自我(Transcendent Self, Su):迅捷动作,花费一发神话之力,给你所有属性+1神圣加值,持续1分钟/阶层。再额外花费2发神话之力,所有属性加值增至+2;额外花费4发则增至+3。若你有气池,你可以用气1比1替换神话之力来发动此能力,但你至少要花费1发神话之力。

(Eldritch Insight, Su):Nethys的奥术力量渗透到你每次对魔法的使用。你应用了超魔专长的法术的DC由你提升后的法术位等级决定。自由动作,花费一发神话之力,你可以在施放一个准备好的被超魔了的法术时,更换应用其上的超魔专长,只要不超过之前提升的法术级数即可。

最终安息(Final Rest, Su):你总是可以感知不死生物的存在,如同使用了侦测不死(detect undead),本能力可以随意暂停。标准动作,花费一发神话之力,对一个不死生物进行一次近战接触攻击,造成等于1d10/阶层的伤害,神话不死生物或HD不小于你(角色等级+神话阶层)的不死生物可以以意志豁免(DC = 10 + 你的阶层 + 感知和魅力调整取高)减半伤害。神话等级或阶层不小于你的不死生物不会被此能力影响。
边栏:平衡之神子(Children of Balance)
平衡诀窍(Tip of the Balance, Su):迅捷动作,花费一发神话之力,你可以令你的武器,天武或徒手攻击带有阵营,以击破任何基于阵营的DR。同时,你本身的阵营在遭受各种阵营相关效果时也视为对你最有利的阵营。持续1分钟/阶层。

堕落之神子(Godlings of Corruption)







边栏:邪恶之子(Children of Evil)


重调者(Remixer, Ex):你可以立即重新调配你触碰的药水,以改变其效果。花费1发神话之力,可以将药水/extract中包含的法术/公式换成已准备的任何同级法术或extract。最后产出的药水使用和最初药水同样的的CL。包含在药水或炼金药剂中的新法术必须是可以做成药水的法术。若该效果需要贵重材料成分,你必须在改变的同时提供之。成功鉴定该瓶药水效果的察觉检定DC(通常是15+药水CL)要额外加上你的阶层。
劇透 -   :
Remixer (Ex): You can instantly remix any potion you
touch to alter its effect s . You can expend one use of
mythic power to change the spell or formula
contained in a p otion or extract to that of
any sp ell or extract you have prepared of
the same spell level. The resulting potion
u s e s the caster level of the original potion.
The new spell contained in the potion or
elixir must be one that could
normally serve as a potion. If the effect you are trying
to use requires expensive material component s , you
must provide them at the time of the change. The D C
of a Perception check to succe s sfully identify t h e p owers
of the potion (normally equal to 15 + the potion's caster
level) increas e s by an amount equal to your tier.

变形大师(Shapeshifting Mastery, Ex):你变形成其它形态的能力无与伦比,可以熟练地将奥术的能量转为肌肉的力量。你施放的变形子学派的法术或extract的CL要加上你阶层的一半。你处于变形子学派法术的效果下并使用新形态的天生攻击时,可以使用你的CL代替BAB。
劇透 -   :
Shapeshifting Mastery (Ex): Your ability to magically
adopt other forms is unparalleled, and you can exp ertly
translate your arcane might into brawn. You add half
your tier to the caster level of s p ells or extracts from
the p olymorph sub s chool. While under the effects of a
s p ell or extract of the p olymorph sub s chool, you can u s e
your caster level instead of your base attack bonus when
making natural attacks that rely on your new form.

变形魔宠(Transformative Familiar, Ex):你的魔宠可以变成一个精制品护符,戒指,魔杖,法杖或武器。当处于该形态,视其为一件智能物品,使用魔宠的精神三围,但没有任何魔法能力。你可以如常为其附魔,附加智能物品能力,以及智能物品感知,如同你拥有相应的造物专长。(例如,若你的魔宠变成一根法杖,你可以将其打造成一根智能火焰法杖,如同你拥有制作法杖专长)。你仍需如常为附魔进行支付。以标准动作,魔宠可以变成物品或从物品变成魔宠。魔宠变成物品后,你可以立即装备使用之。处于物品形态时,魔宠拥有其原本的HP,并获得物品相应的硬度。若魔宠在物品状态受到足以造成物品损毁的伤害,会自动变回魔宠形态,并且在获得完全治疗(HP加满)前无法再次变为物品。要选择此道途能力,你必须拥有魔宠。
劇透 -   :
Transformative Familiar (Ex): Your familiar i s able to
a s s ume the shape of a single masterwork amulet, ring,
staff, wand , or weapon. While it's in this form, treat the
familiar as an intelligent magic item with the familiar's
mental ability scores but no magical abilitie s . You can
add magical enhancement s , intelligent item p ower s ,
and intelligent item s e n s e s as if you p o s s e s s e d the
appropriate crafting feat. (For example, if your familiar
transforms into a staff, you could craft it into an
intelligent staff of fire as if you p o s s e s s e d the Craft Staff
feat .) You must still pay for enhancement s as normal.
A s a standard action, the familiar can transform into
and out of its item form and does s o in such a way
that you can have it immediately equipped when the
transformation i s complete. While in item form, your
familiar retains it s original hit point s , but gains the
hardne s s of the item it transforms into. I f your familiar
takes enough points of damage in item form to become
broken, it automatically reverts to it s familiar form and
cannot change to item form again until it is healed to it s
maximum hit point total. You mu st have a familiar to
s elect this path ability.


传染法术(Infectious Spell, Su):你知道你法术的破坏力和潜能没有上限。当你施放一个目标个数有限制(如“一个生物/等级”或“一个或更多生物”)且持续时间超过1轮的法术,花费一发神话之力,令其变得可传染。在你的行动轮,只要还有一个生物仍被该法术影响,你可以令该法术额外影响你的阶层个新目标。法术的范围(range)不变,但是是以某个正被法术影响着的受术者(你指定)来计算。被传染法术影响的生物遭受原本法术的全部效果(亦需要进行与原法术相同的豁免,DC也相同),但持续时间不会重置(这意味着,当最开始的法术持续时间结束,所有被法术传染到的受术者身上的效果也会结束)。每次施法每个生物只能被传染一次,一旦有一轮,法术没能传染任何新的目标,就不会再传染了。本能力只能应用于级数不超过你阶层2倍的法术。
劇透 -   :
Infectious Spell (Su): You know n o limits when
it comes to the potency and ravaging effects of your
spells. Whenever you cast a spell that specifically
targets a limited number of targets (such
as "one creature/level" or "one or more
creature s") and has a duration longer than
1 round, you can exp end one use of mythic
power to make the sp ell infectious . Each round
on your turn, so long as at least one creature is still under
the effect of the infectious s p ell, the spell targets one
additional enemy per mythic tier you p o s s e s s . The range
of the sp ell is the same, but it originates from a creature
currently affected by the spell (your choice). A creature
affected by an infectious spell suffers all of the effects
of the original spell (and may attempt any saving throws
as appropriate at the original save D C), but the duration
does not reset (meaning the effect ends for all affected
targets when the original duration of the sp ell expires).
A creature can only be targeted by a given infectious
spell once per casting. Once a round passes without any
additional creatures affected by the spell, the spell stops
being infectious . This ability can only affect spells whos e
level is equal to or le s s than double your tier.

传送大师(Teleportation Master, Su):你成为传送法术的大师。施放传送子学派法术时,花费一发神话之力,你可以在真的传送过去之前,看到你的目的地,获得感官信息,如同通过鹰眼术/锐耳术(clairaudience/clairvoyance)法术,你可以调整你的传送地点,最多偏离100呎(向任何方向),新的目的地必须是该法术的合法目的地。

劇透 -   :
Teleportation Master {Su): You have become an expert  at teleportation magic. You can expend one use of mythic power when casting any spell of the teleportation subschool to visualize your destination before you fully materialize there, gaining sensory information of the area as though via a clairaudience/clairvoyance spell. After gaining this s ensory information, you can cho ose to alter your teleportation destination by up to 100 feet in any direction. The new destination must be a legal location for the effect.


(Dominion over Outsiders, Ex):你懂得如何与被你召来物质位面服务于你的异界势力谈判。当与你通过异界誓缚(planar binding)或类似法术召来的异界生物讨价还价时,对被召唤生物的魅力检定和防止它逃离法阵(magic circle)的CL检定上获得等于阶层的加值。另外,花费等于异界生物HD一半发数的神话之力,你可以尝试令其完成一项最多持续一年零一天的人物,对方在拒绝该任务的魅力检定上获得+5加值。若它答应完成任务,它会在一年零一天的时间里专注进行该任务,直到因为其它原因被释放(任务完成或你的意愿)。在异界生物被释放之前,你无法回复花费在它身上的神话之力。你暂时降低了每日可用神话之力数量上限,来誓缚住该异界生物。
劇透 -   :
Dominion over Outsiders (Ex): You have a way with words when dealing with extraplanar forces called to the Material Plane to serve you. When bargaining with outsiders called via a planar binding or similar spell, you add a bonus equal to your tier on Charisma checks against the called creature and on caster level checks to prevent the creature from escaping your magic circle. In addition, you can expend a number of use s of mythic power equal to half the Hit Dice of the outsider to attempt to bind the outsider to perform a task for up to a year and a day. The creature gains a +5 bonus on the opposed Charisma check to refuse this request. If the outsider agrees to carry out this request, it is bound to perform that task for up to a year and a day or until otherwise released (either by completing the task or by your will). You cannot regain that use of mythic power until the outsider is released, effectively decreasing your total number of uses of mythic power per day by the number of uses spent to bind the outsider.

星旅者(Star Walker, Su):你可以用你的力量支持你做长途旅行。标准动作,花费两发神话之力,可以将自己装到一个被薄薄的彩虹色力场层包围的气泡里。该气泡没有任何防御能力,你可以驱使它在空气中高速飞行。只要你专注,你获得240呎/轮的飞行速度。不再专注时,气泡停止飞行,并以30呎/轮的速度下降直到接触到地面并破灭。你可以在气泡破裂前花费一发神话之力来再次获得控制权。
在外层空间的虚空中,气泡的速度会更快。Although exact travel times vary, 太阳系内部的旅行需要3d20小时,超出太阳系的则需要3d20天(或更多,GM决定)。在外层空间放弃专注对气泡没有任何影响——它仍按照先前的方向和速度前进,直到某个外层界作用力减缓它。气泡中,空气总是新鲜,气温总是恒定,并总是保护旅客不受外层虚空伤害,但对其它星球或位面的严酷天气则无能为力。额外再花费两发神话之力,气泡可以增至10呎半径,最多装下11个中型生物。其它生物可以自由进出气泡。

劇透 -   :
Star Walker (Su): You can transform your power to enable you to travel great distances . As a standard action, you can expend two uses of mythic power to surround yourself with a bubble of air enclosed by a thin iridescent layer of force. While this bubble offers no protection from attacks, you can propel yourself through the air at great speed . As long as you concentrate, you gain a fly speed of 240 feet per round. If you cease concentrating, the bubble stops and then sinks 30 feet per round until it reaches the ground and collapses ; you can expend one use of mythic power before the bubble collapses to regain control.
In the void of outer space, the bubble's speed is much faster. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system takes 3 d 2 0 hours, while a trip beyond takes 3d20 days (or more, at the GM's discretion). Ceasing concentration while in the void of outer space has no effect on the bubble-it continues traveling in the previously stated direction at the same speed until an outside force slows it down. The air in the sphere is constantly refreshed and kept at a constant temperature, protecting occupants from the void of space, but not necessarily the harsh climates of other planets or planes . By expending two additional u s e s of mythic power, you can increase the size of the bubble to a 10-foot-radius sphere and you can bring along up to 11 Medium creatures within the bubble. Other creatures can enter or exit the bubble freely.

强力推进(Juggernaut, Ex):当你破门/破墙冲锋而入时无人能当。当冲锋时,可以进行一次免费的力量检定以打破挡在路上的一扇门或一堵墙。如此冲锋时花费一发神话之力,你可以在破坏物品的力量检定中获得+10环境加值。若你击破了物品,就可以继续向前冲锋,如同该物品不曾存在。若没能击破,则会停在物品前的一格里。注意,破坏了结构的承重部分,可能会引起塌方(treat as a cave-in),DM说了算。此能力可以与其他改变冲锋攻击道途能力和效果一起使用,比如burst through道途能力。你可以最多选择本能力三次,每次选择都可以在冲锋中额外破一次墙,力量检定的环境加值也+10(最多+30)。
劇透 -   :
Juggernaut (Ex): Little can stand in your way when you charge forth into battle-even solid doors and walls don't stand a chance. While charging, you may attempt a free Strength check to break through a single door or wall in your path. You can expend one use of mythic power while performing this charge to gain a +1o circumstance bonus on your Strength check to break the object. If you destroy
the obj ect, you can continue your charge as though it were never there. If you fail to destroy the object, your movement ends in the s quare before that object. Note that destroying integral parts of a structure may trigger a collapse (treat as a cave-in) at the GM's dis cretion. This ability can be combined with other path abilities and effects that modify charge attacks , such as the burst through path ability (Mythic Adventures 2 1). You can select this ability up to three times . Each additional time you select it, you may break through one more wall or door during your charge, and the circumstance bonus on your Strength check increases by 10 (to a maximum of a +30
circumstance bonus).

骡之健壮(Mule's Strength, Ex):在确定你的载重能力时,视你的力量属性比实际高5。本加值应用于负重,举升过头,拉和推等等。你可以多次选择此道途能力。每次额外再5。
劇透 -   :
Mule's Strength (Ex): You treat your Strength score as 5 higher when determining your carrying capacity. This bonus applie s to encumbrance, the maximum weight you can lift over your head, dragging and pushing, and so on.  You can take this path ability multiple times . Each time you do, you treat your Strength score as an additional 5 points higher when determining your carrying capacity.

(Sniper's Riposte, Ex):在使用远程武器瞄准时,你特别善于保护自己。你不会因做远程攻击而引起AO。以迅捷动作,花费一发神话之力,可以无视因进行狙击引发的隐藏检定的罚值,持续一轮。
劇透 -   :
Sniper's Riposte (Ex): You're an expert at defending yourself while aiming a ranged weapon. You don't provoke attacks of opportunity from making ranged attacks. As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to negate the Stealth check penalty for sniping for 1 round.


致残一击(Disabling Strike, Ex):通过猛烈地攻击,你可以生生将对手的肢体打烂。当你对邻接的一个生物造成重击,自由动作,花费一发神话之力,可以令其肢体遭到破坏。神话生物可以做强韧豁免(DC=10+你的力量调整+阶层),通过则无效。非神话生物不能豁免。遭受此效果的生物会遭受1d4体质伤害,其某个肢体(你决定)被破坏。若你选择破坏上肢,该上肢持有的任何东西会掉落,也不能再持有任何东西,使用它进行天生攻击则有-4减值。若你选择破坏下肢,目标的基础移动速度减半。这些惩罚持续到来自本能力的体质伤害被治好。免疫重击的生物也免疫此能力,比如那些拥有不寻常体内组织结构的生物(GM决定)。
劇透 -   :
Disabling Strike (Ex): With your mighty strikes , you can brutally batter the limbs of your foes . Whenever you score a successful critical hit
against an adjacent creature, as a free action you can expend one use of mythic power to potentially disable one of that creature's limbs . Mythic
creatures receive a Fortitude save to negate this effect (DC = 10 + your Strength modifier + your tier), while non-mythic creatures do not. An affected creature takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage and one of its limbs (your choice) is mangled. If you choose to disable an arm , the creature drops anything held in that arm, cannot hold items in that arm, and makes natural attacks with that arm at a -4 penalty. If you choose to disable a leg, the target's base movement speed is halved. These penalties are removed when the Constitution damage taken from this ability is healed. Foe s that are immune critical hits are immune to this ability, as are those with unusual anatomies (subject to GM dis cretion).

动地者(Groundshaker, Su):标准动作,花费一发神话之力,你可以以巨力跺踏或猛击地面,强制5呎/阶层的生物进行反射豁免(DC=10+阶层+你的力量调整)。未能通过豁免的非神话生物会摔倒并恍惚(staggered)1轮。通过豁免的非神话生物和未通过豁免的神话生物仅恍惚1轮。通过豁免的神话生物不受影响。你自己也不受此能力影响,你可以同时指定不超过阶层数的生物不受影响。
劇透 -   :
Groundshaker (Su): As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power to stomp or punch the ground with mighty force, forcing creatures within 5 feet per tier to attempt a Reflex save (DC = 10 + your tier + your Strength modifier). Non-mythic creatures that fail their saves fall prone and are staggered for 1 round. Non-mythic creatures that succeed at their saves and mythic creatures that fail are staggered for 1 round. Mythic creatures that succeed at their saves are unaffected. You are not affected by this ability, and you may designate a number of creatures up
to your tier to also not be affected.

擒抱大师(Master Grappler, Ex):你是传说级的摔跤手,几乎没人能抗住你的强力的投技,定身和攻击。当使用uncanny grapple道途能力,若你将生物投向坚固物品,物品与生物遭受同样的伤害;若足以击破该物品,生物会穿过物品继续向前。若你将生物投向生物,视为由你进行的冲撞攻击,除了被投出的生物(相当于被撞出的)的移动不会引发借机攻击。若你crush该生物,你可以选择造成1d6每阶层的正常伤害或1d8每阶层的非致命伤害,并且你可以控制你造成的伤害量,使目标昏迷而非死掉。若你挥舞该生物当做武器,将你的阶层加到对两个生物(即作为武器的生物和被攻击的生物)受到的伤害上;若你造成重击,目标生物还会同时遭受被挥舞生物的一项近战天生攻击(若有;若有多种天生攻击,随机选择一种)。你必须拥有uncanny grapple这个斗士道途能力才能选择本能力。
劇透 -   :
Master Grappler (Ex): You are a legendary wrestler, and few can withstand your mighty throws , holds , and blows . While using the uncanny grapple path ability (Mythic Adventures 23), if you throw a creature into a solid object, that object takes the same amount of damage as the creature; if this is enough to break the object, the creature continues to move through it. If you throw the creature into another creature, resolve the attack as a bull rush by you, except the thrown creature moves with the bull rush and does not incur any attacks of opportunity for moving through threateneds quares . If you crush the creature, you can choose to deal either 1d6 points of lethal damage per tier or 1d8 points of nonlethal damage per tier, and you can limit the damage you deal to the amount required to render the target unconscious . If you swing the creature as a weapon, add your tier to the amount of damage you deal to both creatures ; if you score a critical hit, the target of the swing attack also takes damage from a melee natural attack from the creature you are swinging (if it has one; choose randomly if it has more than one). You must have the uncanny grapple champion path ability to take this ability.

巨石投者(Mighty Hurler, Ex):你获得投石(rock throwing)和rock catching这两项怪物通用能力。你投石能力的射程增量是10呎每阶层。你可以对任何坚固,基本刚硬的物体使用此能力,而不仅仅是石头。你最大能投掷比你体型小两级的物体。你可以选择此能力3次,每次选择,射程增量增加10呎每阶层,你能投掷的物品大小上限增加1级。
劇透 -   :
Mighty Hurler (Ex): You gain the rock throwing and rock catching universal monster abilities. The range increment of your rock throwing ability is 10 feet per tier. You can use these abilities with any solid, mostly inflexible object, not just rocks. The maximum size of an object you can throw is two size categories smaller than you. You can take this ability three times. Each additional time you select it, the range increment increases by an
additional 10 feet per tier and the maximum size of an object you can throw increases by one size category.


七盟飞跃(Seven-League Leap, Ex):你的跳跃如此强力,以至于可以对抗引力。将你的阶层加到针对跳跃的杂技技能检定上。每轮你能跳跃的距离不再被你的移动速度所限制。若你不超过轻载,花费一发神话之力,可以进行一次强力跳跃,令你在空中航行。要使用此能力,你必须先直线奔跑1分钟,任何令你无法完整地、不间断地完成此项冲刺的妨碍或阻挡都会令你无法使用此能力,但神话之力不会浪费。1分钟冲刺的最后,你做杂技检定,跳跃的距离是检定结果一半的英里数,向下取整到英里(比如检定结果是29,你可以跳14英里)。整个过程持续1轮每英里。在整个距离一半的位置,你达到弧线最高点的位置。你使用此能力不会遭受掉落的伤害。你跳跃的过程中不能有东西阻挡,若跳跃中间你撞到了什么东西,你和它都遭受1d8 * 你剩下英里数的伤害。若该伤害摧毁该障碍,你继续前进;否则跳跃会停止,你会掉下来,并承受掉落伤害。你不能非常精确地确定落点,据你想去的目的地总是会有50到5000呎(5d%)的距离。
劇透 -   :
Seven-League Leap (Ex): Your leap is so mighty that you defy gravity. Add your tier to Acrobatics checks made to jump. The distance you can jump in a round is not limited by your movement speed. If you are carrying no more than a light load, you can expend one use of mythic power to make a powerful jump that lets you sail through the air. In order to use this ability, you must be able to run in a straight line for 1 minute. Any obstacles or impediments that prevent you from completing this sprint uninterrupted prevent you from being able to use this ability, though the exp enditure of mythic power is not wasted. At the end of your 1-minute sprint, you attempt an Acrobatics check and leap a distance up to half the check's result in miles , rounded down to the nearest mile (for example, an Acrobatics check result of 29 would allow you to jump 14 miles). This trip takes 1 round per mile, and you reach a maximum height at the apex of your arc equal to half the distance traveled. You do not take falling damage from using this ability. You must have a clear arc of travel to complete this jump; if you strike an obstacle mid-jump, you and the obstacle each take a
number of points of damage equal to 1d8 x the number of mile s you have left to travel. If this damage destroys the obstacle, you continue your jump; otherwise , your jump comes to an end and you fall, taking falling damage as appropriate. You cannot aim this leap accurately, and always land 50 to 5000 feet (5d%) from your intended destination.

苦痛抗力(Affliction Resistance, Ex):你的身躯可以战胜哪怕最致命的疾病。当你在针对一种疾病或毒素的豁免骰中成功,你在接下来等于阶层一半小时的时间里免疫该疾病或毒素。若你被疾病或毒素所影响,并在治愈它的豁免骰中成功了一次,就可以立即治好它(即使正常情况下需要不止一次豁免骰来治疗它),然后你仍然在等于阶层一半的小时内对该疾病或毒素免疫。
劇透 -   :
Affliction Resistance (Ex): Your body is honed to fight off even the most virulent illnesses . Whenever you succeed at a saving a throw against a disease or poison, you become immune to that disease or poison for a number of hours equal to half your tier. If you are affected by the disease or poison and succeed at a saving throw to cure it, you automatically cure yourself of the affliction (even if it would normally require more than one saving throw to cure), and you become immune to it for a number of hours equal to half your tier.

不倦旅者(Indefatigable Traveler, Ex):你可以在疲劳和力竭的状态下奔跑和冲锋,并可以忽略力竭时对移动的惩罚。当做长途旅行(见CRB)时,你可以花费一发神话之力,令自己坚持阶层数的小时,不会受到非致命伤害,也不会疲劳(这加在原本的每日一小时坚持时间上)。在以通常速度行走的日子里,你可以走8个小时+每阶层一小时,然后才必须做体质检定以避免非致命伤害。
劇透 -   :
Indefatigable Traveler (Ex): You can run and charge while fatigued or exhausted, and you ignore the movement penalty while exhausted. When traveling overland (see page 172 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook), you can expend one use of mythic power to be able to hustle for a number of hours equal to your tier without taking nonlethal damage or becoming fatigued (this is in addition to the 1 hour per day normally allowed for hustling). In a day of normal walking, you can walk 8 hours plus 1 hour per tier before you must start making Constitution checks to avoid nonlethal damage.

不屈之魂(Irrepressible Soul, Su):每轮一次,自由动作,花费一发神话之力,可以尝试结束一项正在影响你的效果。当使用此能力时,做一次额外的豁免,仍然使用原本的DC,即使正常情况下不允许豁免。本能力仅能终止变形效果,魅惑和胁迫效果,支配效果,改变你外貌的幻术效果,以及任何控制或遮盖你真实身份的效果。若你在豁免中成功,效果立即终止。
劇透 -   :
Irrepressible Soul (Su): Your true self can't be buried beneath disguises or magical effects . Once per round as a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to attempt to end one effect that is currently affecting you. When you use this ability, you make an additional saving throw against the effect at its original DC, even if one would not normally be allowed. This ability can end only polymorph effects, charm and compulsion effects, domination effects, illusion effects that change your appearance, and any effects that control or conceal your true identity. If you succeed at the second saving throw, the effect immediately ends.

骡之健壮(Mule's Strength, Ex):当确定你的负重能力时,视你的力量比实际值高5。本奖励还可以应用于encumbrance,最大举力,最大拉力和最大推力等等。你可以获得本道途能力多次,每选一次,在确定负重能力时,视你的力量比正常再额外高5。
劇透 -   :
Mule's Strength(Ex): You treat your Strength score as 5 higher when determining your carrying capacity. This bonus applies to encumbrance, the maximum weight you can lift over your head, dragging and pushing, and so on. You can take this path ability multiple times. Each time you do, you treat your Strength score as an additional 5 points higher when determining your carrying capacity.

巨石投者(Mighty Hurler, Ex):同斗士3阶同名能力。
劇透 -   :
Mighty Hurler (Ex): You gain th e rock throwing and
rock catching unive r s al monster abilitie s . The range
increment of your rock throwing ability i s 10 feet per
tier. You can use the s e abilities with any s olid, mo stly
nonflexible obj ect, not j u s t rocks . The maximum size
of an obj ect you can throw i s two size categorie s smaller
than you. You can take this ability three time s . Each
additional time you s elect it, the range increment
increa s e s by an additional 10 feet per tier and the

无敌适应性(Uncanny Adaptability, Sp):以标准动作,花费一发神话之力,可以创造一个围绕你的隐形球体。它可以保护其中的任何人不受有害环境效果的影响,如同位面适应(planar adaptation, APG 236),除了对主位面的极端物理状况也适用。球体半径=5呎每阶层,仅有在球体内部的生物能够获得此好处。任何步出球体的生物立刻失去此好处,知道它再次步入球体。效果持续1小时/阶层或解消(自由动作),先到为准。
劇透 -   :
Uncanny Adaptability (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power to create an invisible sphere around you that protects anyone inside from harsh environmental effects , as planar adaptation (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 236), except this effect also
works for extreme physical conditions on the Material Plane. The radius of the sphere is equal to 5 feet per tier, and only creatures within the sphere receive the benefits of this effect. Anyone who steps outside of the sphere immediately loses the benefits of this ability until she steps back inside the sphere. This effect lasts for a number of hours equal to your tier or until you end it as a free action, whichever come s first.





预支未来(Borrowed Time)

劇透 -   :
School transmutation; Level alchemist 6 , bard 6 , magus 6,
sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, 5
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round/level (D)
A creation of the archmage Nex, this spell allows you to reach
ahead in time and draw alacrity from the future at the expense of
your own health. For the duration of this spell, you gain an extra
swift action you can use only during your turn. You can't use this
swift action to take a second immediate action between turns, but
you can use it to take a swift action the turn after you've taken an
immediate action. Each time you take an extra swift action in this
fashion you take 1 point of Constitution damage. If you're immune
to ability damage, you take 5 points of hit point damage instead.
When the spell ends, you are staggered for 1d4+1 rounds from the
temporal backlash.
Mythic: If you expend one use of mythic power, instead of
taking an extra swift action, you can take either an extra move or
an extra swift action each round. You can use this extra swift action
to take two immediate actions between your turns; this consumes
your extra swift action in your next round. Each extra action you
take still deals damage to you as described above.

元素轰炸(Elemental Bombardment)
钝击土系掌控(earth mastery)
闪电闪电金属掌控(metal mastery)
Magma一半钝击,一半火焰金属掌控(metal mastery)
强化(9阶):花费三发神话之力,可以召唤出两倍数量的元素,而且所有元素都附加简单进化模板(advanced simple template)。
劇透 -   :
School conjuration (summoning) [see text]; Level druid 7, sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S
Range long (400 ft.+ 100 ft/level)
Effect one or more summoned elementals
Duration 1 round/2 levels (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You summon elementals from their
elemental planes and hurl them onto
your enemies with great force. You must
have line of effect to a point at least 60 feet
above your intended targets and within the
spell's range. You can summon one greater
elemental, two Huge elementals, four Large
elementals, or eight Medium elementals. You
aim the elementals at targets within 60 feet
of each other, no more than one elemental
per target.
Each elemental can strike only a single target, regardless
of its size. When an elemental strikes a target, it makes a single
slam attack at its full attack bonus with a +4 circumstance
bonus. The elemental deals damage according to the table
below. The type and amount of damage dealt varies by the
size and type of elemental (see the table). Some elementals
inflict an additional special ability upon successfully hitting
a target; these additional special abilities are detailed in the
elemental's full stat block and are denoted with an
asterisk ("'). Whether or not it hits, the elemental
takes bludgeoning damage according to its
size. A summoned elemental acts on the
same turn that it lands, starting prone in the
nearest available space adjacent to its target.
You must select one type of elemental to
summon when casting this spell (see the table).
When you use a summoning spell to summon a creature
with an elemental subtype, it is a spell of that type.
Elemental Size Damage
Medium 6d6
Large 8d6
Huge or larger 12d6
Elemental Type  Damage Type
Air  Half slashing, half electricity
Earth  Bludgeoning and earth mastery*
Fire  Fire and burn*
IceB2  Half bludgeoning, half cold
LightningB2  Electricity and metal mastery*
MagmaB2   Half bludgeoning, half fire
MudB2    Bludgeoning and entrap*
Water    Bludgeoning and drench*
Mythic: If you expend one use of mythic power, you can
summon a combination of differently sized elementals of up
to two different types, as long as their total number does not
exceed the original limit. For example, you could summon one
Huge air elemental and two Large fire elementals, or one Large
water elemental and six Medium earth elementals.
Augmented (9th): If you expend three uses of mythic power,
you summon twice as many elementals as normal, each with
the advanced simple template.

(Imbue with Flight)
等级:术士/法师 4

劇透 -   :
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, M (handful of down)
Range touch
Target object touched
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless, object); Spell Resistance yes (harmless, object)
You grant a touched Large or smaller object the ability to fly at a
speed of 40 feet with average maneuverability. It can ascend at
half speed and descend at double speed. The targeted object flies
as you direct it, using your Fly skill for any difficult maneuvers. You
must be within close range (2 5 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) of the object
to direct it, and moving it requires a move action. If not directed,
the object hovers in place (no Fly check required). The maximum
weight of the object and anything carried by it is 500 pounds per
caster level (maximum 10,000 pounds).
Mythic: If you expend one use of mythic power, you double the
maximum weight of the object you can imbue with flight. You can
expend additional uses of mythic power to increase the maximum
size of the object you can imbue with flight. Imbuing a Huge object
requires two uses of mythic power, imbuing a Gargantuan object
requires four uses, and imbuing a Colossal object requires eight
uses. These costs include the expenditure to cast a mythic spell,
and count toward doubling the weight limit of the spell.
Two or more casters can cast this spell in concert to share the
mythic power cost. Each caster must expend an additional use of
mythic power to cooperate; this does not count toward the other costs
or effects of the spell. The group chooses which caster has control
of the flight. As a full-round action, the controlling caster can cede
control to another caster involved in the original casting of the spell.

范围:近距(25呎 + 5呎/2等级)
神话:花费一发神话之力,你可以唤起此效果杀死的生物来作为不死仆役。你唤起不死生物如同使用了animate dead,其总HD不超过2*你的阶层。本法术创造的不死生物计入你可以控制的最大不死生物HD数。
增强(8阶):花费2发神话之力,你可以如同create undead法术般,将被杀掉的对手唤起为其它类型的不死生物(从create undead法术的列表中选)。花费3发神话之力,可以从create greater undead的列表中选择要创造的不死生物类型。你以此方式创造的不死生物的总HD依然不能超过你阶层的两倍。创造出的生物并不自动被你控制。若你可以命令死灵,你可以尝试来命令你创造出的这些死灵生物。

劇透 -   :
School necromancy [death]; Level cleric 8, sorcerer/wizard 8, witch 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (2 5 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target living creatures in a 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude half; Spell Resistance yes
Favored by the necromancer Geb as a tool to turn his enemies'
armies against themselves, this potent death spell deals 1d6
points of damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) to living
creatures in the area of effect.
Mythic: You can expend one use of mythic power to raise
creatures killed by this effect as undead thralls. You can animate
a number of Hit Dice worth of undead up to double your tier as if
you had animated them with animate dead. The undead created
by this spell count toward the total number of Hit Dice worth of
undead you can control.
Augme nted (8th): If you expend two uses of mythic power,
you can raise slain foes as undead creatures chosen from the
list of undead for create undead. By expending three uses of
mythic power, you can select from the list for create greater
undead. The total number of Hit Dice worth of undead created
in this way can't exceed double your tier. Created undead are
not automatically under your control. If you are capable of
commanding undead, you may attempt to command the undead
creatures as they form.

维持传说(Sustaining Legend)
成分:V, S
  • 移除以下状态之一:目眩(dazzled),疲乏(Fatigued),战栗,恶心(sickened)或恍惚(staggered)。
  • 将晕眩(dazed)或震慑(stunned)状态降低至恍惚(staggered)。
  • 将力竭(exhausted)状态降至疲乏(fatigued)。
  • 将惊惧(frightened)状态降至战栗(shaken),将恐慌(panicked)状态降至惊惧(frightened)
  • 将反胃(nauseated)状态降至恶心(sickend)。

劇透 -   :
School conjuration (healing); Level bard 5, cleric 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Component s V, S
Range close (2 5 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes
The rulers of Azlant are thought to have used this spell to
amplify the mythic power of themselves and their most
gifted lieutenants. You amplify the mythic power of the target
creatures, bolstering them with healing energy each time they
draw upon their mythic abilities. When a creature affected
by this spell expends uses of mythic power for any ability, it
immediately heals 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster
level (maximum +2 5). In addition, the creature benefits from
one of the following additional effects.
Remove any one of the following conditions: dazzled,
fatigued, shaken, sickened, or staggered.
Reduce the dazed or stunned condition to staggered.
Reduce the exhausted condition to fatigued.
Reduce the frightened condition to shaken, or the panicked
condition to frightened.
Reduce the nauseated condition to sickened.
A target can benefit from the effects of sustaining legend
only once per round, even if the target expends multiple uses of
mythic power during that time.

奥罗登反魔场(Aroden’s spellbane)
来源:内海魔法(Inner Sea Magic)

贪婪光环(Covetous Aura)
来源:内海世界指南(The Inner Sea World Guide)

十字军利剑术(Crusader's Edge)
来源:内海魔法(Inner Sea Magic)

胜利骑士的挽歌(Dirge of the Victorious Knights)
来源:内海世界指南(The Inner Sea World Guide)

来源:内海魔法(Inner Sea Magic)

来源:内海魔法(Inner Sea Magic)
  • 风巨灵(Djinni):造粮术(create food and water),气态形体(gaseous form)或强效造物术(major creation)(造出的vetetable matter是永久的)。
  • 火巨灵(Efreeti):烟火术(pyrotechnics),searching ray,或火墙术(wall of fire)。
  • 水巨灵(Marid):操控水位(control water),灭火术(quench),或水下呼吸(water breathing)。
  • 土巨灵(Shaitan):融身入石(meld into stone),锈蚀爪(rusting grasp),或化石为泥(transmute rock to mud)。

古拉姆之甲(Gorum's Armor)
来源:内海世界指南(The Inner Sea World Guide)

来源:内海世界指南(The Inner Sea World Guide)

日蚀之盾(Shield of the Dawnflower)
来源:内海世界指南(The Inner Sea World Guide)

虫类形态(所有)(Vermin Shape, All)
来源:内海世界指南(The Inner Sea World Guide)

拉玛什图之水(Waters of Lamashtu)
来源:内海世界指南(The Inner Sea World Guide)

神话魔法物品(Mythic Magic Items)

« 上次编辑: 2020-10-26, 周一 04:49:07 由 沉淪 »

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Re: [Mythic Origin]新神话道途能力
« 回帖 #8 于: 2013-12-27, 周五 13:01:02 »


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Re: [Mythic Origin]新神话道途能力
« 回帖 #9 于: 2013-12-27, 周五 13:23:28 »